
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Success and Health

I'm turning in soon and I wanted to share with you a video in which I discuss the concept of success as it relates to health.  After watching the video, think about and answer the question, "what is your idea of success as it relates to your own state of health?"  Comments are appreciated below - let me know what your thoughts are, and let me know how I may help.

With much love,

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hello Everyone,

Before "turning in" for the night, I wanted to leave you with some useful information which you can share with your loved ones.

Have a great night!

With much love,

Be Proactive with your Health

Hello everyone,

If you desire to improve or maintain your state of health, it's important to be proactive and become well informed.  When I was told of my health challenge in 2009, I took charge, talked to others, read several books and researched information on the internet.  I found the information I needed to reverse my medical condition, and I invite you to do the same for yourself or for a loved one.

If you or a loved one is suffering from any type of health condition and pray and dream of becoming healthy again,  there may be a natural remedy for you which is safe and simple.  Let’s find out.  Contact me via email to schedule a free consultation.  Send the email to, and let me know how I may help.  

With much love,

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Run for Your Health

Today my husband Baba and I went running at Prospect Park which is actually part of our Sunday routine.  As you know, it's so important to incorporate exercise into your daily routine - especially if you are challenged with a health condition. 

I invite you to look at this video which Baba and I shot today while at the part.  I'm sharing this with you so that you can see that if I can do it, ANYBODY CAN!!!  So be encouraged.

With much love,

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Create a Mental Shift

Last week I reached a new milestone with my workout routine.  My husband and I went to the park for our usual jog/run (he's a marathon runner), and for the first time, I actually enjoyed the workout.  This is significant, because prior to last week, I jogged and ran solely for health purposes.  While the sport is ok, I never really had much fun. 

I realized that I was having a good time because this time I did not have any of my usual aches and pains such as pain in my leg, headache, itching (my husband says that's caused by blood rushing to the surface and he always promised me that it would stop), and just plain being tired and resistant to the process.

Things started pulling together for me and the process of healing made more sense than it ever had.  A mental shift had been created whereby I now look forward to working out as opposed to just "doing my duty!"

It took me a few years to reach this mental shift.  The same can happen for you too!!!!   Just keep doing what you're doing, regardless of your sport/routine of choice and  you will see results as well as get your own "aha moment."

If I can do this, you DEFINITELY can!  Why not start today (of course you will check with your doctor first to make sure you do not have any impediments to whatever your chosen workout routine is.)

Drop me a line, let me know how your doing.

With love,

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Did You Know .........

Good Morning!

While traveling on the journey which I call the Road to Health, a fellow traveler introduced me to something which many (including myself) have reported to lower blood sugar levels.   This is something most of us probably have on our spice rack in our kitchens.  Know what it is?   Cinnamon!

I still drink cinnamon tea until this day.  It tastes good and can even satisfy cravings for sweets.  An added benefit is the delicious aroma which fills the home while boiling it.

I usually make a pot full.  I use the cinnamon sticks and boil them for about 15 minutes.  For a full pot I use 3 or 4 sticks. 

Here's a link to a technical article regarding cinnamon.  Enjoy and should you choose to follow this recipe, please let me know how you like it and if it's assisting you with your blood sugar levels.

If this post has been helpful to you, please like and share!

With love,

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Story - Part II

Fortunately, I met a naturopathic doctor who led me to some herbal supplements.  The supplements worked very well - there were several which I had to take each day including 3000mg of Vitamin D3.  They were also expensive but at least I didn't have to deal with the unpleasant taste as I did with the liquid herbal formulas.  I continued seeking other ways to lower my blood sugar and found a tea which was effective but it caused me to become drowsy.  So I was only able to drink it in the evenings.  Someone told me that cinnamon tea was effective so I started making my own cinnamon tea.  Someone else told me to take Alfalfa, but could not tell me how much I should take.  I tried mixing cayenne pepper with lemon juice and olive oil and drinking that before bedtime (that's supposed to clean your blood).  All in all, I probably took upwards of 10 different supplements at least twice daily along with teas and other natural mixtures.  My blood sugar level returned to normal, my A1C number was around 6.0 and I was exercising - doing at least 50 sit-ups and other exercises each day.  

But I became tired.  I didn't need insulin any longer but I got tired of taking so many supplements and the olive oil, cayenne pepper and lemon juice - I just couldn't swallow it any more; I was sick of it.  The tea was ok but I guess I was just tired everything at that point.  I found a new liquid herbal formula but that tasted as unpleasant as the original ones.  It did work though.

I am presently using an ancient remedy with is delicious, it works, you may purchase it at most health food stores and supermarkets, and... is super easy to prepare yourself at home.  It is Kombucha Tea.  I have dedicated a blog in this regard and invite you to visit for more information.

So, I'm going to wrap this post up for now.  Hope I was able to give you a word of encouragement - regardless of your medical condition.  Feel free to contact me for more information or just to chat if you need to.  I truly believe that any medical challenge can be reversed.  I am not here to give you medical advice and make no diagnoses or claims of healing.  I'm just sharing with you what worked for me, and if you feel compelled to try the product, I would love to hear your results.   So please stay in touch with me!

With much love,

If this  post has been of value to you, please comment and share with others!